Board of Directors

Dr N. Mzilikazi
Dr. N. Mzilikazi:  Chairperson of the ECPTA Board
Ms P. Loyilane
Ms P. Loyilane: Deputy Chairperson of Board Chair: HR and Remuneration Committee

Ms V. Mantyi
Ms V. Mantyi Member: Finance & Investment Committee; Member: Marketing and Destination Development Committee

Adv S. Mancotywa
Adv S. Mancotywa : Member Biodiversity and Conservation Committee; Member: Marketing and Destination Development Committee

Dr A. Muir
Dr A. Muir: Chair: Biodiversity and Conservation Committee; Member: Finance and Investment Committee

Advocate C. Mahlati
Chair: Marketing and Destination
Development Committee; Member:
HR and Remuneration Committee

Mr L. Bevile
Mr L. Bevile:  Member Biodiversity and Conservation Committee

Mr C. Sparg
Chair: Finance and Investment
Committee; Member: HR and
Remuneration Committee; Member: Exco

Mr V. Dayimani:  Chief Executive Officer